Christine Johnson
Christine Johnson
Christine Johnson
License #:SA654134000
Cell: (928) 660-8824

Page, Arizona has been home to myself and three children since 2007. We are originally from Long Beach, California, so the adjustment to a rural town was easy for my children since they were so young, but it was quite the challenge for myself. In the end, though, it has been a great place to raise my children and to expand my own professional self into a new line of business that I am thankful has been possible. 

I began teaching as a school teacher in 1999, and I am still at it today. When the opportunity arose to venture into the world of real estate, I thought of it as a breath of fresh air away from education. Since 2015, I have been working in the field having helped not only newcomers to the area but even friends who were either ready to move on to other adventures outside of Page or those who had been renting and were ready to buy. 

I have learned an immense amount of information over the years regarding the field of real estate. My teaching background has provided a constant reinforcement with my verbal and written abilities along with how to effectively guide clients through the selling and/or buying process. It is a pleasure to serve the community of Page, and I look forward to serving your real estate needs!